Saturday, February 26, 2011

Colour Wheel Theory for Kids!

Learning to use colour is part of becoming a skilled artist.  The concept of the colour wheel is important and it helps artists to organize, plan and compose successful works of art.

To create a colour wheel, start with the Primary Colours (Yellow, Red and Blue)

Mix these together to make Secondary Colours (Green, Orange and Violet)

The remainder of the colours on the wheel are Tertiary Colours 

Colour Terms:
Hue - Is another name for colour
Shade - Colour + black
Tint - Colour + white
Value - The light or darkness of a colour

Monochromatic - Colour schemes using tints and shades of the same colour
Complimentary - Two colours that are opposite to each other on the colour wheel
Analagous - Consecutive colours on the colour wheel
Triad - Three colours equally spaced on the colour wheel

Cool Colours - The chromatic properties of green, blue and violet make them natural candidates for the cool colour palette:  green trees on foliage, blue water and sky, and violet clouds.  In art compositions, cool colours tend to recede into the background to create a calm,quiet, moody effect. 

Warm Colours - Red, yellow and orange are traditionally associated with naturally "warm" or "hot" objects, such as the shining sun,a glowing sunset, or a roaring fire.  Warms colours tend to advance towards the viewer, whether in a painting or daily life

Interactive Fun:
Fun Interactive Online Colour Theory
Colour Wheel Triva

Colour Theory Make Easy

Colour Theory a Brief Tutorial

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